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[BIOS] Quanta广达TW9D/SW9D Notebook BIOS Q3F82

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Quanta广达TW9D/SW9D Notebook BIOS Q3F82



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 楼主| hotfox 发表于 2010-2-6 04:51:15 | 显示全部楼层
Setup Utility Default Settings
FormSet Main (A04A27F4-DF00-4D42-B552-39511302113D)
Form 1 (Main)
479 Debug Reclaim  Enabled Disabled   
Form 560 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
Serial ATA Port 0  
62 Type :  Auto User Defined   
63 32Bit I/O:  Disabled Enabled   
64 Block Mode:  Disabled Enabled   
65 Transfer Mode:  Auto Fast PIO Ultra DMA ATA-33 Ultra DMA ATA-66 Ultra DMA ATA-100   
Form 561 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
Serial ATA Port 1  
66 Type :  Auto User Defined   
67 32Bit I/O:  Disabled Enabled   
68 Block Mode:  Disabled Enabled   
69 Transfer Mode:  Auto Fast PIO Ultra DMA ATA-33 Ultra DMA ATA-66 Ultra DMA ATA-100   
Serial ATA Port 5  
FormSet Exit (A04A27F4-DF00-4D42-B552-39511302113D)
FormSet Info (A04A27F4-DF00-4D42-B552-39511302113D)
FormSet Boot (A04A27F4-DF00-4D42-B552-39511302113D)
Form 1 (Boot)
126 UEFI Boot  Enabled Disabled  Enable/Disable UEFI Boot Function
114 Quick Boot  Enabled Disabled  Allows InsydeH2O to skip certain tests while booting. This will decrease the time needed to boot the system.
115 Quiet Boot  Enabled Disabled  Disables or enables booting in Text Mode.
531 Boot Menu  Disabled Enabled  [Enabled] Allow User to Choose Boot Device Through Boot Menu. [Disabled] The feature is disabled.  
116 PXE Boot to LAN  Disabled Enabled  Disables or enables PXE boot to LAN.
103 ACPI Selection  Acpi1.0B Acpi3.0 Acpi4.0  Select booting to Acpi3.0/Acpi1.0B
99 USB Boot  Enabled Disabled  Disables or enables booting to USB boot devices.
484 Fast Boot  Disabled Enabled  Disables or enables BIOS Fast Boot Function.
Boot Device Priority
FormSet Security (A04A27F4-DF00-4D42-B552-39511302113D)
Form 1 (Security)
164 Power on Password  Enabled Disabled  Enable:System will ask input password on post time. Disable:System will ask input password when go to Setup Utility
133 User Access Level  View Only Limited Full  Limited:Only limited fields can be changed. No Accessrevent User access to InsydeH2O Setup.View Only:Access to InsydeH2O Setup allowed but the fields cannot be changed.Full:Any field can be changed except the Supervisor password.
FormSet Power (A04A27F4-DF00-4D42-B552-39511302113D)
Form 1 (Power)
138 ACPI S3  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable ACPI S3 Sleep state
139 Wake on PME  Disabled Enabled  Determines the action taken when the system power is off and a PCI Power Management Enable wake up event occurs.
140 Wake on Modem Ring  Disabled Enabled  Determines the action taken when the system power is off and a modem connected to the serial port is ringing.
141 Auto Wake on S5  Disabled By Every Day By Day of Month  Auto wake on S5, By Day of Month or Fixed time of every day
145 Day of Month    Day of Month
Form 64 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
Advanced CPU Control
407 P-States(IST)  Disabled Enabled  Enable processor performance states(P-States).
416 Boot Performance Mode  Max Battery Max Performance  Select the performance state that BIOS will set befor OS handoff.
443 HT Support  Auto Disabled  Enable/Disable Hyper-Threading
417 VT Support  Enabled Disabled  Vanderpool Technology Enable/Disable.
418 C-States  Disabled Enabled  Enable processor idle power saving states(C-States).
419 Enhanced C-States  Disabled Enabled  Enable P-State transitions to occur in combination with C-States.
420 Enable C6  Disabled Enabled  Enable C6
449 Enable C7  Disabled Enabled  Enable / Disable C7
414 Turbo Mode  Disabled Enabled  Enable processor Turbo Mode(requires EMTTM enabled too).
Form 65 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
Platform Power Management
412 PCI Clock Run  Disabled Enabled  If Enabled,the CLKRUN# Logic will stop the PCI Clocks
Form 66 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
Break Event
428 Storage Break Event  Disabled Enabled  If Enabled, Parallel IDE or Serial ATA master activity will cause BM_STS to be set and will cause a break from C3/C4.
429 PCIE Break Event  Disabled Enabled  If Enabled, PCI Express master activity will cause BM_STS to be set and will cause a break from C3/C4.
430 PCI Break Event  Disabled Enabled  If Enabled, PCI master activity will cause BM_STS to be set and will cause a break from C3/C4.
431 EHCI Break Event  Disabled Enabled  If Enabled, EHCI master activity will cause BM_STS to be set and will cause a break from C3/C4.
432 UHCI Break Event  Disabled Enabled  If Enabled, UHCI master activity will cause BM_STS to be set and will cause a break from C3/C4.
433 HDA Break Event  Disabled Enabled  If Enabled, Intel High Definition Audio master activity will cause BM_STS to be set and will cause a break from C3/C4.
FormSet Advanced (A04A27F4-DF00-4D42-B552-39511302113D)
Form 1 (Advanced)
79 USB BIOS Legacy Support  Disabled Enabled  Enables or Disables support for USB Keyboards and Mice. ( Enable for use with a non-USB aware Operating System such as DOS or UNIX ).
57 HDC Configure As  IDE AHCI  Set Harddisk Controller Configure Type
535 AC Mode Fan always on  Disabled Enabled  Enabled, Fan always on when AC plug in.
536 DC Mode Fan always on  Disabled Enabled  Enabled, Fan always on when AC plug out.
538 Mute button option  Normal Mute while booting  Enalbe/Disable mute only while booting
421 CMP Support  Auto Disabled  Enable/Disable Core Multi-Processing
411 Use XD Capability  Disabled Enabled  Enable or disable processor XD capability
Form 32 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
PCI Configuration
2 PCI Slot3 IRQ Priority  Auto IRQ3 IRQ4 IRQ5 IRQ7 IRQ9 IRQ10 IRQ11  Manual IRQ selection does not garantee PCI slot device will be configured with choice because PnP ISA Cards (if present) are assigned the available resources before PCI device.
3 PCI Slot4 IRQ Priority  Auto IRQ3 IRQ4 IRQ5 IRQ7 IRQ9 IRQ10 IRQ11  Manual IRQ selection does not garantee PCI slot device will be configured with choice because PnP ISA Cards (if present) are assigned the available resources before PCI device.
Form 33 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
Boot Configuration
8 Numlock  Off On  Selects Power-on state for Numlock
Form 34 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
Internal Devices Configurations
10 Serial Port A  Disabled Auto Enabled  Configure Serial port A using options : [Disable] No Configuration [Enable] User Configuration [Auto] EFI/OS chooses configuration
11 Base I/O Address  2E8 2F8 3E8 3F8   
12 Interrupt  IRQ3 IRQ4   
15 Infrared Port  Disabled Auto Enabled  Configure Infrared port using options : [Disable] No Configuration [Enable] User Configuration [Auto] EFI/OS chooses configuration
18 Mode  CIR FIR  Set the mode for the parallel port using options
16 Base I/O Address  2E8 2F8 3E8 3F8   
17 Interrupt  IRQ3 IRQ4   
19 DMA Channel  DMA 1 DMA 2 DMA 3   
20 High Speed  Normal Speed High Speed  Set FIR to High speed mode or normal speed mode
51 Azalia  Disabled Enabled Auto  AUTO: Auto detect the Azalia codec. DISABLED: Disable the Azalia controller can be selectable.
524 Azalia Internal HDMI codec  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable internal HDMI code for Azalia.
230 Lan  Disabled Enabled  ENABLE: Enable the Lan controller. DISABLED: Disable the Lan controller can be selectable.
540 Lan  Disabled Enabled  ENABLE: Enable the Lan controller. DISABLED: Disable the Lan controller can be selectable.
543 USB Port  Disabled Enabled  Enalbe/Disable USB port
261 Card Reader  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable Card Reader
262 Web Camera  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable Web Camera
446 BlueTooth  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable BlueTooth
267 Wireless LAN (USB)  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable Wireless LAN
539 Wireless LAN (PCIE)  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable Wireless LAN
541 Wireless WAN  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable Wireless WAN
423 Express Card  Enabled Disabled  Extra Bus Reserved for bridges behind PCI-E Root Bridge.
547 CD-ROM/DVD-ROM  Disabled Enabled  CD-ROM/DVD-ROM Disable or Enable.
548 E-SATA CONNECT  Disabled Enabled  E-SATA CONNECT Disable or Enable.
Form 35 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
IDE Configuration
54 IDE Controller  Disabled Enabled  DISABLED: disables both the PATA & SATA IDE controllers. BOTH: enables both the PATA & SATA IDE controllers.
231 AHCI Option ROM Support  Disabled Enabled  If AHCI option ROM set disable ,the system can only detect port 0 to port 3.If AHCI option ROM set enable ,the system can detect all port.
460 AHCI/RAID SALP  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable AHCI/RAID Support Aggressive Link Power Management(SALP) in AHCI Host Capability Register Bit 26.
232 SATA Port 0 - HotPlug  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable SATA Port 0 HotPlug
706 - Spin Up  Disabled Enabled  On an edge detect from 0 to 1, the PCH starts a COMRESET initialization sequence to the device.
233 SATA Port 1 - HotPlug  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable SATA Port 1 HotPlug
707 - Spin Up  Disabled Enabled  On an edge detect from 0 to 1, the PCH starts a COMRESET initialization sequence to the device.
234 SATA Port 2 - HotPlug  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable SATA Port 2 HotPlug
708 - Spin Up  Disabled Enabled  On an edge detect from 0 to 1, the PCH starts a COMRESET initialization sequence to the device.
235 SATA Port 3 - HotPlug  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable SATA Port 3 HotPlug
709 - Spin Up  Disabled Enabled  On an edge detect from 0 to 1, the PCH starts a COMRESET initialization sequence to the device.
236 SATA Port 4 - HotPlug  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable SATA Port 4 HotPlug
710 - Spin Up  Disabled Enabled  On an edge detect from 0 to 1, the PCH starts a COMRESET initialization sequence to the device.
237 SATA Port 5 - HotPlug  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable SATA Port 5 HotPlug
711 - Spin Up  Disabled Enabled  On an edge detect from 0 to 1, the PCH starts a COMRESET initialization sequence to the device.
Form 560 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
Serial ATA Port 0  
62 Type :  Auto User Defined   
63 32Bit I/O:  Disabled Enabled   
64 Block Mode:  Disabled Enabled   
65 Transfer Mode:  Auto Fast PIO Ultra DMA ATA-33 Ultra DMA ATA-66 Ultra DMA ATA-100   
Form 561 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
Serial ATA Port 1  
66 Type :  Auto User Defined   
67 32Bit I/O:  Disabled Enabled   
68 Block Mode:  Disabled Enabled   
69 Transfer Mode:  Auto Fast PIO Ultra DMA ATA-33 Ultra DMA ATA-66 Ultra DMA ATA-100   
Form 562 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
Serial ATA Port 2  
62 Type :  Auto User Defined   
63 32Bit I/O:  Disabled Enabled   
64 Block Mode:  Disabled Enabled   
65 Transfer Mode:  Auto Fast PIO Ultra DMA ATA-33 Ultra DMA ATA-66 Ultra DMA ATA-100   
Form 563 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
Serial ATA Port 3  
62 Type :  Auto User Defined   
63 32Bit I/O:  Disabled Enabled   
64 Block Mode:  Disabled Enabled   
65 Transfer Mode:  Auto Fast PIO Ultra DMA ATA-33 Ultra DMA ATA-66 Ultra DMA ATA-100   
Serial ATA Port 4  
Serial ATA Port 5  
Serial ATA Port 6  
Serial ATA Port 7  
Form 576 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
Platform Thermal Configuration
442 Shut Down Temperature  70 C 75 C 80 C 85 C 90 C 100 C 110 C 120 C  ACPI Critical Trip Point - the point in which the OS will shut down the system.
438 Low Fan Speed Temperature  40 C 45 C 50 C 55 C 60 C 65 C 70 C 75 C  ACPI Active Trip Point - the point in which the OS will turn the processor fan on Low.
409 High Fan Speed Temperature  40 C 45 C 50 C 55 C 60 C 65 C 70 C 75 C  ACPI Active Trip Point - the point in which the OS will turn the processor fan on High.
410 Throttle On Temperature  40 C 45 C 50 C 55 C 60 C 65 C 70 C 75 C 80 C 85 C 90 C  Set the CPU temperature point of Throttle On
439 TC1    TC1
440 TC2    TC2
441 TSP    TSP
501 ME SMBus Thermal Reporting  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable ME SMBus Thermal Reporting Configuration
502 SMBus Buffer Length  1 2 5 9 10 14 20  SMBus Block Read Message Length for EC
503 Thermal Reporting EC PEC  Disabled Enabled  Enable Packet Error Checking(PEC) for SMBus Block Read
504 Slots with TS on DIMM's  No TS on DIMM Slot DIMM0 Slot DIMM1 Slot DIMM0 and DIMM1  Enable Temperature Reporting for Slots with TS on DIMM. NOTEIMM0 is the one closer to CPU
485 CPU Temp Read  Disabled Enabled  CPU Temperature Read Enable
486 CPU Energy Read  Disabled Enabled  CPU Energy Read Enable
487 MCH Temp Read  Disabled Enabled  MCH Temperature Read Enable
488 PCH Temp Read  Disabled Enabled  PCH Temperature Read Enable
489 Alert Enable Lock  Disabled Enabled  Lock all Alert Enable settings
490 CPU Alert  Disabled Enabled  CPU Alert pin enable
491 MCH Alert  Disabled Enabled  MCH Alert pin enable
492 PCH Alert  Disabled Enabled  PCH Alert pin enable
493 DIMM Alert  Disabled Enabled  DIMM Alert pin enable
494 TS on DIMM  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable Thermal Sensor on DIMM
495 DIMM1 TS READ  Disabled Enabled  DIMM1 Thermal Sensor Read Enable
496 DIMM2 TS READ  Disabled Enabled  DIMM2 Thermal Sensor Read Enable
497 DIMM3 TS READ  Disabled Enabled  DIMM3 Thermal Sensor Read Enable
498 DIMM4 TS READ  Disabled Enabled  DIMM4 Thermal Sensor Read Enable
Form 577 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
Cpu Thermal Configuration
422 DTS  Disabled Enabled Critcal Reporting  Enables CPU Digitial Thermal Sensor function.Out of spec: ACPI Thermal Management uses EC reported temperature values and DTS SMM is used ot handle Out os Spec condition.
408 Thermal Mode  Disabled TM1   
408 Thermal Mode  Disabled TM1 TM2 TM1 and TM2  Setting this bit enables the thermal control circuit portion of the Thermal Monitor feature of the CPU Intel Thermal Monitor TM1 = 50% duty cycle TM2 = Enhanced Intel Speed Step
413 Bi-Directional PROCHOT#  Disabled Enabled  Whan a processor thermal sensor trips(either core),the PROCHOT# will be driven.If bi-directional is enable ,external agents can drive PROCHOT# to throttle.
415 ACPI 3.0 T-States  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable ACPI 3.0 T-States.
Form 578 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
Intelligent Power Sharing
461 Intelligent Power Sharing  Disabled Enabled  Intelligent Power Sharing configuration menu. NOTE: DTS must be enableed for Power Sharing to function.
483 CPU Turbo  Disabled Enabled  Enable or Disable Turbo Mode
462 MCH Turbo  Disabled Enabled  MCH Turbo enable or disable
463 CPEC Config    CPEC Config
465 Core Temp Limit  Disabled Enabled  Core Temperature Limit
466 Core Temp Limit Value    Core Temp Limit Value
468 MCH Power Limit  Disabled Enabled  Max MCH Power Clamp
469 MCH Power Limit Value    MCH Power Limit Value
471 Processor Power Limit  Disabled Enabled  Max Processor Power Clamp
472 Processor Power Limit Value    Processor Power Limit Value
474 Core Power Limit  Disabled Enabled  Max Core Power Clamp
475 Core Power Limit    Core Power Limit
477 Run Time Interface  EC uses SMBus BIOS uses MMIO  Choose runtime interface for PCH communication
478 DPPM  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable Intel Dynamic Power Performance Management
Form 37 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
Video Configuration
522 Display Mode  iGPU dGPU Hybrid  Set Display Mode Configure Type.
400 ASPM  Enabled Disabled  Control ASPM support for the PEG Device.
716 PEG Force X1  Disabled Enabled  Force PEG link to retrain to X1
401 Automatic ASPM  Manual Auto  Automatically enable ASPM based on reported capabilities and known issues
402 ASPM L0s  Disabled Root Port Only Endpoint Port Only Root&Endpoint Ports  Enable PCIe ASPM L0s.
404 ASPM L1  Enabled Disabled  Enable PCIe ASPM L1.
403 ASPM L0s Aggressiveness  Normal Aggressive Ultra-Aggressive  Set the level of L0s entry aggressiveness. This applies to root port L0s entry only.
434 Render Standby  Disabled Enabled  Check to enable render standby support.
436 Render Thermal Throttling  Disabled Enabled  This feature is applicable Graphic SKUs only
242 IGD - DVMT Pre-Allocated  32 MB 64 MB 128 MB  Select DVMT5.0 Pre-Allocated(Fixed) Graphics Memory size used by the Internal Graphics Device.
243 IGD - DVMT Total Gfx Mem  128 MB 256 MB   Select the size of DVMT 5.0 that the Internal Graphics Device will use
246 IGD - Boot Type  VBIOS Default CRT LFP CRT+LFP TV LFP-SDVO EFP TV-SDVO CRT+LFP-SDVO CRT+EFP   Select the Video Device that will be activated during POST
247 IGD - LCD Panel Type  640x480 LVDS 800x600 LVDS 1024x768 LVDS 1280x1024 LVDS 1400x1050 LVDS1 1400x1050 LVDS2 1600x1200 LVDS  Select the Panel used by the Internal Graphics Device by selecting the appropriate setup item
248 IGD - TV  VBIOS Default NTSC PAL SECAM  Select the TV standard used by the Internal Graphics Device
499 Active LFP  No LVDS Int-LVDS SDVO LVDS eDP None  Selects the Active LFP Configuration
Form 38 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
USB Configuration
249 EHCI 1  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable EHCI 1
251 UHCI 1  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable UHCI 1
252 UHCI 2  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable UHCI 2
253 UHCI 3  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable UHCI 3
254 UHCI 4  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable UHCI 4
250 EHCI 2  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable EHCI 2
255 UHCI 5  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable UHCI 5
444 UHCI 6  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable UHCI 6
445 UHCI 7  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable UHCI 7
256 Pre-Port Control  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable the Per-Port Disable Control Override
257 Usb Port0  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable Port 0
258 Usb Port1  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable Port 1
259 Usb Port2  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable Port 2
260 Usb Port3  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable Port 3
263 Usb Port6  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable Port 6
264 Usb Port7  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable Port 7
265 Usb Port8  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable Port 8
266 Usb Port9  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable Port 9
268 Usb Port11  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable Port 11
447 Usb Port13  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable Port 13
500 USB RMH Mode  Disabled Enabled  PCH USB Rate Matching Hubs mode
Form 39 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
Chipset Configuration
Setup Warning:
Setting items on this screen to incorrect values
may cause your system to malfunction!
437 CRID  Disabled Enabled  Enable / Disable : Compatible Revision ID ( CRID ) / Stepping Revision ID ( SRID ).
269 Port 80h Cycles  PCI BUS LPC BUS  Control where the port 80h cycles are sent.
80 PCI Latency Timer  32 64 96 128 160 192 224 248  Value to be programmed into PCI Latency Timer Register.
425 VT-d  Disabled Enabled  Check to enable VT-d function on MCH
481 Pass-Through DMA  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable Pass-Through DMA function
283 End Of POST Message  Disabled Enabled  Enable/Disable End Of Post Message
525 Ignition ME Protect  Disabled Enabled  Enable / Disable Ignition ME Protect.
526 Ignition ME Check Inform  Disabled Enabled  To decide inform user or not when ME Firmware error after flashing.
527 After G3 On  S0 S5 Last State  Specify what state to go to when power is re-applied after a power failure (G3 state).
Form 625 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
Clarksfield CSI Options
450 Isoch_support  Disabled Auto Enabled  CSI Isochronous traffic Disable/Auto/Enable
451 CSI Frequency  Auto 4.270 GT  CSI Frequency Selections
452 CSI Link L1  Disabled Enabled  CSI Link L1 power setting Disable/Enable
453 Mirror Port  Disabled Enabled  Mirror Port Disable/Enable
Clarksfield Memory Options
454 Memory Frequency  Auto 800 1066 1333  Memory Frequency Selections in Mhz
455 Channel Interleave  1 Way 2 Way 3 Way 4 Way 6 Way  Channel Interleave in 1,2,3,4,or 6 way
456 Rank Interleave  1 Way 2 Way 4 Way  Rank Interleave in 1,2,or 4 way
Form 626 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
Arrandale QPI Options
457 QPI Frequency  Auto 3.200 GT 4.800 GT 5.866 GT 6.400 GT  QPI Frequency Selections
Arrandale Memory Options
458 Memory Frequency  800 1066 1333  Memory Frequency Selections in Mhz
Form 40 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
ACPI Table/Features Control
90 FACP - RTC S4 Wakeup  Disabled Enabled  Value only for ACPI. Enable/Disable for S4 Wakeup from RTC
91 APIC - IO APIC Mode  Disabled Enabled  This item is valid only for WIN2k and WINXP.Also,a fresh install of the OS must occur when APIC Mode is desired.Test the IO ACPI by setting item to Enable.The APIC Table will then be pointed to by the RSDT,the Local APIC will be initialized,and the proper enable bits will be set in ICH4M
Form 48 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
PCI Express Configuration
291 PCI Express Clock Gating  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Clock Gating Enable/Disable for each root port
290 DMI Link ASPM Control  Disabled L0s L0sL1  The control of Active State Power Management on both NB side and SB side of the DMI Link.
717 PCIE Compliance Mode  Disabled Enabled  Enabling PCIe Compliance Testing Mode
Form 768 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
PCI Express Root Port 1
296 PCI Express Root Port 1  Disabled Enabled  Control the PCI Express Root Port.
304 Automatic ASPM  Disabled L0s L1 L0sL1 Auto  Automatically enable ASPM based on reported capabilities and known issues
312 URR  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Unsupported Request Reporting Enable/Disable.
320 FER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
328 NFER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Non-Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
336 CER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Correctable Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
344 CTO  Default 16-55 ms 65-210 ms 260-900 ms 1-3.5 ms Disabled  PCI Express Completion Timer TO Enable/Disable
360 SEFE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Fatal Error Enable/Disable.
368 SENFE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Non-Fatal Error Enable/Disable.
376 SECE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Correctable Error Enable/Disable.
352 PME Interrupt  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express PME Interrupt Enable/Disable.
384 PME SCI  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express PME SCI Enable/Disable.
392 Hot Plug  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Hot Plug Enable/Disable.
Form 769 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
PCI Express Root Port 2
297 PCI Express Root Port 2  Disabled Enabled  Control the PCI Express Root Port.
305 Automatic ASPM  Disabled L0s L1 L0sL1 Auto  Automatically enable ASPM based on reported capabilities and known issues
313 URR  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Unsupported Request Reporting Enable/Disable.
321 FER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
329 NFER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Non-Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
337 CER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Correctable Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
345 CTO  Default 16-55 ms 65-210 ms 260-900 ms 1-3.5 ms Disabled  PCI Express Completion Timer TO Enable/Disable
361 SEFE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Fatal Error Enable/Disable.
369 SENFE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Non-Fatal Error Enable/Disable.
377 SECE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Correctable Error Enable/Disable.
353 PME Interrupt  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express PME Interrupt Enable/Disable.
385 PME SCI  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express PME SCI Enable/Disable.
393 Hot Plug  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Hot Plug Enable/Disable.
Form 770 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
PCI Express Root Port 3
298 PCI Express Root Port 3  Disabled Enabled  Control the PCI Express Root Port.
306 Automatic ASPM  Disabled L0s L1 L0sL1 Auto  Automatically enable ASPM based on reported capabilities and known issues
314 URR  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Unsupported Request Reporting Enable/Disable.
322 FER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
330 NFER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Non-Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
338 CER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Correctable Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
346 CTO  Default 16-55 ms 65-210 ms 260-900 ms 1-3.5 ms Disabled  PCI Express Completion Timer TO Enable/Disable
362 SEFE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Fatal Error Enable/Disable.
370 SENFE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Non-Fatal Error Enable/Disable.
378 SECE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Correctable Error Enable/Disable.
354 PME Interrupt  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express PME Interrupt Enable/Disable.
386 PME SCI  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express PME SCI Enable/Disable.
394 Hot Plug  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Hot Plug Enable/Disable.
Form 771 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
PCI Express Root Port 4
299 PCI Express Root Port 4  Disabled Enabled  Control the PCI Express Root Port.
307 Automatic ASPM  Disabled L0s L1 L0sL1 Auto  Automatically enable ASPM based on reported capabilities and known issues
315 URR  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Unsupported Request Reporting Enable/Disable.
323 FER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
331 NFER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Non-Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
339 CER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Correctable Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
347 CTO  Default 16-55 ms 65-210 ms 260-900 ms 1-3.5 ms Disabled  PCI Express Completion Timer TO Enable/Disable
363 SEFE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Fatal Error Enable/Disable.
371 SENFE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Non-Fatal Error Enable/Disable.
379 SECE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Correctable Error Enable/Disable.
355 PME Interrupt  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express PME Interrupt Enable/Disable.
387 PME SCI  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express PME SCI Enable/Disable.
395 Hot Plug  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Hot Plug Enable/Disable.
Form 772 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
PCI Express Root Port 5
300 PCI Express Root Port 5  Disabled Enabled  Control the PCI Express Root Port.
308 Automatic ASPM  Disabled L0s L1 L0sL1 Auto  Automatically enable ASPM based on reported capabilities and known issues
316 URR  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Unsupported Request Reporting Enable/Disable.
324 FER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
332 NFER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Non-Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
340 CER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Correctable Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
348 CTO  Default 16-55 ms 65-210 ms 260-900 ms 1-3.5 ms Disabled  PCI Express Completion Timer TO Enable/Disable
364 SEFE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Fatal Error Enable/Disable.
372 SENFE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Non-Fatal Error Enable/Disable.
380 SECE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Correctable Error Enable/Disable.
356 PME Interrupt  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express PME Interrupt Enable/Disable.
388 PME SCI  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express PME SCI Enable/Disable.
396 Hot Plug  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Hot Plug Enable/Disable.
Form 773 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
PCI Express Root Port 6
301 PCI Express Root Port 6  Disabled Enabled  Control the PCI Express Root Port.
309 Automatic ASPM  Disabled L0s L1 L0sL1 Auto  Automatically enable ASPM based on reported capabilities and known issues
317 URR  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Unsupported Request Reporting Enable/Disable.
325 FER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
333 NFER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Non-Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
341 CER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Correctable Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
349 CTO  Default 16-55 ms 65-210 ms 260-900 ms 1-3.5 ms Disabled  PCI Express Completion Timer TO Enable/Disable
365 SEFE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Fatal Error Enable/Disable.
373 SENFE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Non-Fatal Error Enable/Disable.
381 SECE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Correctable Error Enable/Disable.
357 PME Interrupt  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express PME Interrupt Enable/Disable.
389 PME SCI  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express PME SCI Enable/Disable.
397 Hot Plug  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Hot Plug Enable/Disable.
Form 774 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
PCI Express Root Port 7
302 PCI Express Root Port 7  Disabled Enabled  Control the PCI Express Root Port.
310 Automatic ASPM  Disabled L0s L1 L0sL1 Auto  Automatically enable ASPM based on reported capabilities and known issues
318 URR  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Unsupported Request Reporting Enable/Disable.
326 FER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
334 NFER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Non-Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
342 CER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Correctable Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
350 CTO  Default 16-55 ms 65-210 ms 260-900 ms 1-3.5 ms Disabled  PCI Express Completion Timer TO Enable/Disable
366 SEFE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Fatal Error Enable/Disable.
374 SENFE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Non-Fatal Error Enable/Disable.
382 SECE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Correctable Error Enable/Disable.
358 PME Interrupt  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express PME Interrupt Enable/Disable.
390 PME SCI  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express PME SCI Enable/Disable.
398 Hot Plug  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Hot Plug Enable/Disable.
Form 775 (InsydeH2O Setup Utility)
PCI Express Root Port 8
303 PCI Express Root Port 8  Disabled Enabled  Control the PCI Express Root Port.
311 Automatic ASPM  Disabled L0s L1 L0sL1 Auto  Automatically enable ASPM based on reported capabilities and known issues
319 URR  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Unsupported Request Reporting Enable/Disable.
327 FER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
335 NFER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Non-Fatal Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
343 CER  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Device Correctable Error Reporting Enable/Disable.
351 CTO  Default 16-55 ms 65-210 ms 260-900 ms 1-3.5 ms Disabled  PCI Express Completion Timer TO Enable/Disable
367 SEFE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Fatal Error Enable/Disable.
375 SENFE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Non-Fatal Error Enable/Disable.
383 SECE  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express System Error on Correctable Error Enable/Disable.
359 PME Interrupt  Disabled Enabled  Root PCI Express PME Interrupt Enable/Disable.
391 PME SCI  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express PME SCI Enable/Disable.
399 Hot Plug  Disabled Enabled  PCI Express Hot Plug Enable/Disable.

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wollfsun 发表于 2010-2-6 08:50:54 | 显示全部楼层

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